5 Japanese Only Dreamcast Games
The Dreamcast was a fun console back in the day. It had a ton of great arcade ports and a number of exclusives that many people loved. Sure, the Sonic….
The Dreamcast was a fun console back in the day. It had a ton of great arcade ports and a number of exclusives that many people loved. Sure, the Sonic….
Shhh, it’s thinking. No, your eyes do not deceive you. A Dreamcast game is getting released this year. The game? Flashback. Specifically, a port of the original Amiga version. The….
The Intense Bullet-Hell SHMUP is now released on PlayStation 4, Xbox Live and Wii U eShop Hucast Games is proud to announce that the Dreamcast port Ghost Blade HD is….
What a weird time to be alive. TrickStyle takes me way back as it was one of the only titles I had on the Dreamcast for quite some time. It wasn’t….
The Sega Dreamcast is a much beloved video game console that if you listened to people on the internet, has no bad games and is the GREATEST CONSOLE EVAR! Sure,….
Some systems just refuse to die! The Sega Dreamcast was ahead of it’s time, but suffered from some terrible marketing, especially here stateside. But for a system that was quickly….