David Benioff and D.B. Weiss to Write, Direct Star Wars Trilogy
There’s an obvious, crass joke to make here, and I’m not making it. Game of Thrones Writer/Producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have been tapped for a Star Wars Trilogy,….
There’s an obvious, crass joke to make here, and I’m not making it. Game of Thrones Writer/Producers David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have been tapped for a Star Wars Trilogy,….
You’re green with it! A number of screenshots, supposedly of Kingdom Hearts III, have surfaced. Two of them initially showed up on ResetEra, but all thirteen were soon found on….
Now they can finally get that Namor movie going. Rumor has become reality. Disney is buying Fox’s studios and channels in a deal that will probably go down as one….
COCO shows that Pixar still has that magic touch, especially when creating original works and not churning out sequels to properties that sell lots of toys.
“Dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives.” The trailer for Avengers: Infinity War dropped this morning. And it seems set to deliver on 10 years of buildup. There’s a….
“My designation is PR1D3-4CC0MPL151-1M3N7, human/grinding relations.” So, maybe you’re one of the few that bought Star Wars Battlefront 2 despite all the hoopla. And maybe, you want to grind credits….
A.K.A. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Controversy, Episode 6: Revenge of the Jedi. Well, we all know EA pulled the microtransactions from Star Wars Battlefront 2. “Temporarily“. That’s not the interesting….
A.K.A. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Chapter 5: The Empire Strikes Back. The nonstop tire fire that is the Star Wars Battlefront 2 controversy simply won’t stop providing. In this case,….
A.K.A Star Wars Battlefront 2 Part 4: The Revenge. You know what the difference between the last one of these I did and this one is? Last time, I didn’t….
FASERIP in peace. Marvel and Disney have ended their relationship with Gazillion Entertainment. And, yes, that means that Marvel Heroes is shuffling off into the cold night. From an e-mail….
You know what, EA? Fuck you. I really can’t explain why I expected better from EA. Truly can’t. But naturally, they fix one thing publicly and ruin another in an….
The Odinson doth enjoy community theater. James Corden’s run of The Late Late Show is no stranger unusual theatrical performances. But their version of Thor: Ragnarok might just take the….