Green Lanterns #1
Confusing, that’s the word that best describes this issue for me and I’m pretty confused about this story overall. Things just happen so fast and in rapid succession, without much proper….
Confusing, that’s the word that best describes this issue for me and I’m pretty confused about this story overall. Things just happen so fast and in rapid succession, without much proper….
I feel kind of intimidated doing a review of the first super hero ever. Superman is a cultural icon; the kryptonian that saves the earth again and again. I’m still….
Just when I thought DC made their best decision ever by resetting their ongoing series after Flashpoint, they do something that probably isn’t the best thing in my opinion, but still a….
Injustice: Gods Among Us was a big surprise to all of us when it dropped. Not because the game featured DC superheroes beating each other up –it’s been done several times….
The Flash’s season finale finally aired last night. And the recurring theme of the timeline being screwed has reared its head once again. I swear, pretty soon Rip Hunter will….
The Flash is nearing it’s season finale. Which means that they have to have that episode that raises the stakes to a certain degree before that.This is that episode, and….
I’d heard that an upcoming episode of The Flash was to be directed by Kevin Smith. To be honest, he didn’t disappoint. If anything, he did the best he could….
When I knew there was a new issue of Survivors’ Club ready to be read, I’ll admit, I was equally excited and scared to start it. I’m still a newbie….
Last week, The Flash set the stage for Barry to get his powers back. But you had to know something else had to happen before they achieve that. Hence, almost….
The Flash depowered Barry Allen last episode. And they’ve been adding characters that should have a similar ability set. This episode’s ending was obviously suspicious due to that. Barry just….
Jeff Goldblum is an American treasure. Everything that his is in is immediately elevated the moment he is on-screen. But for all the classic roles he is known for, a….
The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that a pilot for the next television show based on the DC universe is nearing greenlight status over on SfFy. This project has been in the….