Teen Titans Go! Chapter 29 – Scaredy Pants
Teen Titans Go! is one of my favorite things going on within the grander DC universe. I know a lot of people have issues with the show, but I’m of….
Teen Titans Go! is one of my favorite things going on within the grander DC universe. I know a lot of people have issues with the show, but I’m of….
The thing they hyped up on Supergirl this week was that she’d be visiting the Fortress of Solitude. They probably shouldn’t have and just let it be a surprise, but….
The Flash promised us some more King Shark last week, and they delivered. Along with as many Jaws related jokes as they could reasonably cram into an hour long program…..
Supergirl took a week off. Which was fine by me; the start of the year in general hit like a truck. And there’s the added bonus that it tends to….
I return to reviewing comics (I’m lazy, alright) with Harley Quinn #25. This is a big issue for a number of reasons, so let’s see how DC is pitching it. “At….
The Flash picks up right where it left off last week; Barry caught, zoom aware of Harry’s presence, and a whole bunch of dead Earth-2 counterparts. Why, it’s almost like….
The Flash promised Earth-2, and it delivered Earth-2. And gave us a few references. And a twist or two for good measure. Barry goes around shutting all of the breaches….
So this episode of Supergirl is a bit interesting. They decided to adapt a Superman story (one originally written by Alan Moore, no less) for an episode. I’ll take “Things….
I know what you’re thinking, but no. The title has nothing to do with either one of the Lane sisters becoming a speedster, nor The Eagles song “Life in the….
You know I really do have to applaud them for this one. I genuinely never really understood the appeal of the Bizarro characters. Yes, seriously. Were I pressed to explain….
So, what does Eobard Thawne have to do with this episode? Timeline shenanigans, that’s what. See, last week dropped the fact that he shows up despite being very dead on….
Supergirl’s has had a spotty first season. But it’s nice to know that the better episodes seem to be back loaded. Also, clever episode title, guys. Things open up with….