31 Days of Fright: The Nightmare Before Christmas
“How horrible our Christmas will be!” The Nightmare Before Christmas is so charming – and fun, and sweet, and scary, and smart – that it’s easy to see why people….
“How horrible our Christmas will be!” The Nightmare Before Christmas is so charming – and fun, and sweet, and scary, and smart – that it’s easy to see why people….
“Nine, ten, never sleep again…” A Nightmare on Elm Street is the rare classic horror film that actually deserves its classic status. Horror is a strange genre because so often….
“Be afraid. Be very afraid.” I could, and almost did, summarize The Fly in three simple words: this fucking movie. David Cronenberg doesn’t play nice with his 1986 body horror….
“All books have a destiny of their own.” “And a life of their own.” Okay guys, this is on me. The Ninth Gate is absolutely not a horror film. It’s….
“It appears we may have a problem here of some magnitude.” Some people hate The Mist. And I get it. I do. My friend and colleague Nate Tensen, for whom….
“All right, you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my BOOMSTICK!” Watching all three Evil Dead movies back to back is a great way to get to know….
“Dead by dawn! Dead by dawn!” Has there ever been a better horror movie title than The Evil Dead? Sure, in context it has nothing to do with the plot,….
“You shouldn’t forget the importance of entertainment.” Horror films, by their nature, are unpleasant. People – usually unassuming, innocent people – are put in impossible, fatal circumstances, and one by….
“Places are like people. Some shine, some don’t.” Halfway through watching The Shining, I started to wonder why I included it on this month’s viewing list. Not because it’s not….
“Sharon!” I’ve never played any of the Silent Hill games, but if you asked me what properties were well-suited for film adaptation, I’d still put Silent Hill near the top….
“When you wish you were dead, that’s when I’ll come inside.” Some horror films are great because of their underlying meanings, like how Rosemary’s Baby is about a woman trying….
“It doesn’t eat plant food.” “This is the kind of movie that cults are made of,” Roger Ebert wrote in his original 1986 review of Little Shop of Horrors, and….