12 Days of Crap-Mas: A Christmas Prince
Of course Margaux and I had to watch A Christmas Prince. Trevor: I feel like for a while now the Internet has been abuzz talking about A Christmas Prince. I know I….
Of course Margaux and I had to watch A Christmas Prince. Trevor: I feel like for a while now the Internet has been abuzz talking about A Christmas Prince. I know I….
Margaux and I take a look at the truly crazy remake of 1974’s Black Christmas. Trevor: Black Christmas is a crazy-ass movie in a lot of ways, not the least of which….
Margaux and I continue to trudge through the holidays with the disappointing Pottersville. Trevor: So the elevator pitch for Pottersville is basically “Michael Shannon, a two-time Oscar nominee and one of the….
Margaux and I continue to ring in the holidays with the surprisingly funny Surviving Christmas. Trevor: Okay, let’s get this out of the way: we both kind of liked Surviving Christmas. It’s….
Margaux and I take a look at Krampus, a surprisingly straightforward yuletide horror film. Trevor: This is the second time that I’ve watched Krampus, and it’s a movie I more or less enjoy,….
After the rousing success of last year’s 12 Days of Cage-mas, Margaux and I decided to pivot and usher in the holiday season by watching a motley list of movies,….