SXSW Cancels Con Due To Coronavirus Concerns


What happened to the whole “statistically unlikely” thing, huh?

Amid growing concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus, SXSW has cancelled their conference in cooperation with the order to do so by Austin mayor Steve Adler.

Based on the recommendation of our public health officer and our director of public health . . . I’ve gone ahead and declared a local disaster in the city and associated with that, have issued an order that effectively cancels SXSW.

Austin Mayor Steve Adler, via his press conference on the matter

SXSW organizers also sent out a press release, citing the reasons for the cancellation:

We are devastated to share this news with you. “The show must go on” is in our DNA, and this is the first time in 34 years that the March event will not take place. We are now working through the ramifications of this unprecedented situation.

As recently as Wednesday, Austin Public Health stated that “there’s no evidence that closing SXSW or any other gatherings will make the community safer.” However, this situation evolved rapidly, and we honor and respect the City of Austin’s decision. We are committed to do our part to help protect our staff, attendees, and fellow Austinites.

We are exploring options to reschedule the event and are working to provide a virtual SXSW online experience as soon as possible for 2020 participants, starting with SXSW EDU. For our registrants, clients, and participants we will be in touch as soon as possible and will publish an FAQ.

The eventual conclusion, however, was that having the tens-of-thousands of attendees from many different locations in close quarters would be a potential risk factor in the spread of the virus. This decision was compounded by the fact that many of its high-profile sponsors decided to drop out. Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Vevo, TikTok, Warner/HBO and CNN had all cancelled their various events at the con. A number of other major players had moved their conferences online.

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The efect this wil have on Austin may not be pretty, either. Cities host events like this due to the amount of business they bring in via tourism. The assortment of venues, bars, and restaurants that normally benefit by the conference’s presence will have a much leaner month this year.

Source: TechCrunch

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