Supreme Now Makes Burner Phone For Cringy Losers

Supreme, makers of cringy shit for shitty cringe-wankers, are at it again with their winter 2019 catalog of crap. But this time they simply slapped their label on a shitty burner phone that is almost definitely going to cost a dozen times more than its worth.

The funny thing is that the phone isn’t original and instead is just a branded BLU Zoey 2.4 feature phone. The device sports a 2.4-inch screen, laughable 3G data, a junky camera and only 128MB of storage for that one photo of you and your mates looking like reject track stars.

There is no word on the pricing of the device, but the Zoey 2.4 is designed to be a burner phone that costs around $30 unlocked online. These sorts of phones are important and designed for travelers to take on vacation without the worry of losing or having their main phone searched and messed with.

But I do suggest you pick up one of these Supreme branded phones so it’s easier to spot the people to avoid while out in public.

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