Supreme Makes Mortal Kombat Arcade Cabinet



Supreme is one of those brands whose value I frankly don’t get. And that just got compounded, because they’re releasing a Supreme-branded Mortal Kombat arcade cabinet.

Supreme, Arcade1Up

The sharp-eyed among you might be familiar with the cabinet in question, though. Because it’s the Arcade1Up Mortal Kombat cabinet. Just, you know, covered with their branding.

I… I don’t know why anyone would want this. I can’t fathom why anyone would pay the ~$300 these cabs already cost, plus an extra markup for the Supreme branding. Oh, and we mustn’t forget the Supreme-branded riser to go with it.

This may be the UGLIEST commercial product I’ll see this year. At least, I hope so.

Fuckin’ Colgate Raiden on the side, too.

Source: Kotaku

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