Supergirl “World’s Finest”

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The Supergirl/Flash crossover was a go. I think overall they did fairly well. They managed to keep the cringe that tends to come from these sorts of things to the bare minimum, at the very least. That being said, I’ll forever associate the words “World’s Finest” with that slightly sub-par chocolate they always had us shilling at school.

Winn wound up taking Siobahn to the DEO to get a check up. All her tests came back human, though. She’s pissed that Winn didn’t tell her that not only did he know of the DEO, but that he knew Supergirl. Mid storm-off, she witnesses Lucy interrogating Livewire through a slightly ajar door. She hears her rant to Lucy about how much she hates Cat, before being ushered out by one of the redshirts.

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Also, her IKEA construction skills not withstanding, people still don’t trust Supergirl.

Kara has some discussion with Cat about Jimmy, since Cat would have to blind not to see Kara’s feelings for him. She gives the advice that, much like the cupcakes on her desk, she’s going to need to make a bold move to actually get Jimmy’s attention. In this case, by playing it cool and stoking the fires of jealousy.

Siobahn sort of wanders the streets before some sort of mood overtakes her, and she walks to the CatCo offices. She then literally screams Kara out the conveniently placed window behind her desk. While she’s falling, partially senseless, The Flash pops out of a rift and catches her. And drags her out to the middle of nowhere. For some reason.

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If this weren’t Barry Allen I’d be wondering what the fuck he was thinking.

She flies off, but he catches up to her because he’s the fastest not-reverse-Flash alive. The make friends, and back at the office room they set up, Barry spills his guts about multiverse theory explaining just how he got here and why he’ll have trouble leaving under his own power; he got there accidentally. Winn fanboys about the whole situation, but Jimmy’s immediately jealous of the miniature Glee reunion happening right in front of him. Cat wants Kara, Jimmy and Winn front and center, and Barry tags along to make every secret identity blunder Kara ever made; Cat’s figured out that he’s The Flash by the episode’s end. Sure, Cat apparently can’t see through the glasses or base level trickery, but at least Kara hasn’t had to make fake limbs and lifelike balloons to trick someone she’s not the superhero she looks like.

Siobahn, meets with her Aunt, having made an escape after her attempt on Kara. Her Aunt lets her know that all the women in their family are cursed, and thus have to kill the person that has wronged them to be free of said soul-sucking curse. Something to do with one of their female ancestors ripping off a bog banshee or something.

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Siobahn gets the bright idea to free Livewire so that they can team up and get what they want out of life; revenge on Kara and Cat. She’s gotten good enough to draw Livewire to a specific location to propose said team-up, and after a costume change she’s the Silver Banshee.

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The makeup is damn good, too.

Kara insists that she and Barry go after Livewire unprepared. Their first tag-team match goes poorly. Barry supercharges Livewire by stupidly chucking lighning at her, and Silver Banshee has grown strong enough to make Kara’s ears bleed. So, yes, Batfleck, both she and her cousin can bleed.

The second time around, Barry helps them prepare for Silver Banshee’s scream with the little earbuds Cisco cooked up back when they dealt with Hartley Rathaway. I suppose the big takeaway from this is that, in her current state, two villains is enough to hold Kara at bay, since Barry is sadly not a match for Livewire, and that’s who he just got matched up with. Kara’s willingness to take a lightning blast to protect a helicopter from Livewire helps restore the trust of the people of National City, and ultimately no superheroics actually stop Livewire. The Fire Department actually does it, and since water is conductive, it knocks Siobahn out too.

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I get the point, but at the same time, it’s super anticlimactic in a superhero show.

Barry passes on the information necessary to properly jail metahumans, so they don’t just get stuck in a DEO cell without a fair trial.With the crossover proper finished, he asks Kara to do for him what he once did for a time copy of Eobard Thawne; throw him, at speed, to aid in the creation of a rift. With Barry gone, Kara pursues Jimmy, and things look mutual. Until Jimmy, and every other human in National City, zombies out and starts marching out onto the streets, because Non has finally activated Myriad.

Could Supergirl have handled the crossover better? Yes. But I’ll be honest and say it’s far from the worst crossover I’ve ever seen.

Final Thoughts:

  • Everyone now has tinnitus.
  • The fire effect used on Kara’s sweater? Absolutely terrible.
  • I have no idea how Siobahn figured out Livewire’s preferred brand of beer.
  • I constantly get the feeling I’m in the minority of people that enjoy building IKEA furniture.

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