Supergirl “Solitude”

Supergirl Indigo

The thing they hyped up on Supergirl this week was that she’d be visiting the Fortress of Solitude. They probably shouldn’t have and just let it be a surprise, but then again, I don’t know whether that really drew anyone in or not.

Kara didn’t really want to go in to work this time, as she’s still working through the whole Astra situation. Alex still wants to tell her, but can’t because she’s worried about how Kara would react. Kara goes on a thing about how she doesn’t kill, and goes in to work anyway. The whole no killing thing would work a lot better, though, if she didn’t immediately change her tune about it after interacting with Siobahn.

Kara, throwing her into space would kill her. You just told Alex that that’s wrong and not what you stand for.

Cat Grant gets sent a thumb drive filled with the information on Ashley Madison Diamond Discretions users, and a note from the hacker that sounds very sanctimonious. She informs Siobahn that she may nuke the thing in the microwave in flagrant disregard to e-waste laws, because she refuses to run the story even over Siobahn and Lucy’s protests. Why? Because the sorts of people who do things like that aren’t really about exposing corruption, they just want attention and this isn’t her first rodeo with these types. Good on Cat for showing some tact; too bad she’s only worried about anthrax exposure in regards to herself, so half points for that one, Cat.

Nuking the drive was a bad move, though. Not only is the hacker able to mess with every screen in the CatCo building, she also messes with the traffic lights to cause as many fatalities as possible. Winn’s the only one with any ability to stop her, which is a situation that continues throughout the episode. And when she pops out of the computer Winn is using in Kara’s apartment to menace them, it’s made clear to anyone with a hint of Superman knowledge what she really is. Just before Hank and Alex show up to drive her off, that is.

All she wants is pants. A decent pair of pants!

Indigo (that’s her name) meets up with Non on a rooftop to have a nice chat. She lets on that she’s set events in action that will make Myriad unnecessary. Also, they were romantically involved before Non married Astra. That just brings new meaning to the term “cybersex”, I guess.

Winn gets drafted by the DEO since he’s shown that he’s the one most likely to be able to stop Indigo next time she shows up. Since Kara’s not being a team player with the DEO and she’s down a tech guy, Jimmy suggests that he may have an idea of where they can find information. He blows off a date with Lucy to take Kara to the Fortress of Solitude. The key for which is so heavy that only someone with super strength could lift it anyway. They find out that Indigo is of House Brainiac from the robot buddy Clark has there, and they also view his rare mint condition Legion flight ring that we saw on The Flash a few weeks back.

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When they get back, they find out from Lucy that the hack was performed to get a General’s personal information and the info was passed on to Cat to mask the true intention of the hack. That General, by the way, is in charge of a nuclear ICBM facility. Kara immediately heads out, while Winn learns alien computer science.

Indigo rode in on the General’s cell phone and knocks out or kills all of the personnel in the room. The last guy rather pointlessly tells her that the keys need to be turned simultaneously, so she can’t afford to kill them. She didn’t need to know that in the first place, though, because…

~Yo ho ho she took a bite of gum gum~

Kara tries to overpower her when she gets there, but it’s hard to do that to someone whose physical form is that malleable. Especially when a nuke just got launched. Kara give chase, but she can’t just throw it off course. She finally accepts Hank’s help, barely managing to input the deactivation code. Winn hits Indigo with a computer virus he made years ago, and the day is saved.

Most importantly, Alex finally tells Kara that she’s the one who killed Astra. She’s broken up about it, but she couldn’t keep lying about it, especially when the choice was between Hank and Astra and Hank took all the blame. Kara actually forgives her surprising Hank, to whom she’s also grateful since she now knows that he did that so it wouldn’t jeopardize her relationship with Alex.

Next time on Supergirl, I’m predicting Winn’s going to have problems. Like, auditory problems. Because of the whole thing with Siobahn that I really didn’t have time to talk about.

Final Thoughts:

  • I dropped a line about Winn being the DEO’s best Schott. You can thank me now.
  • A lot happened in this episode. It actually made writing about it difficult.
  • Non is turning into a serial killer, what with having the body parts of his ex-girlfriend. Yes, seriously.

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