Supergirl “Myriad”

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Supergirl is setting up its season finale. Usually networks will run two-part finales like this back to back, but not always. So that means this episode was a lot of sizzle with little steak.

Myriad was super effective on anyone within National city’s borders, including everyone in the DEO. Non gave them orders to release every captured alien they had, and one of them is named Maxima. She’s mad because Superman wouldn’t marry her. She’s easily won over to Non’s cause. Not before she uses her strength to smash the red-shirts Lucy had with her into the wall, but once she realizes Myriad has taken hold of them she’s happy with the arrangement.

Kara shows up and stops her from leaving. Maxima take the opportunity to gross Kara out with the whole Superman mating story, but Kara wins and stops the other prisoners from being let out. She does take a Kyrptonite bullet in the arm for it, though. One she digs out bare handed. Respect.

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Just take a moment to appreciate that.

Her next stop is the Fortress of Solitude. Unfortunately, Kal-El is off being the world’s worst tyrant on another world, and his robot buddy isn’t authorized to speak about Myriad. That being said, she navigates around that barrier logically, and is rewarded with her mother’s hologram. Alura tells her that Myriad is a means of inducing total authoritarian mind control on the populace of a planet, developed by her Aunt to save Krypton. She also tells her there’s no way to stop it once it starts, to her disappointment.

Her next stop is to torture herself at the CatCo offices. Everyone is a total tech zombie and they’re typing in Kryptonian. Cat walks in from her elevator, however, and clearly isn’t affected. I would’ve put this down to obliviousness, but no. Maxwell Lord shows up, similarly unaffected thanks to a headset he built that blocks the radio waves controlling everybody. He built those into the earrings Cat is wearing and gave them to her as a present earlier on. And yes, it’s brought up that he gambled on her actually wearing the damn things.

One problem; before Lord showed up Kara got a text from Clark saying he was coming to help. She gets excited, of course. Surely with the possible fate of the planet at risk, they’d come together and save it?

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Yay, Superman will save u– …oh… aw, shit.

Lord explains that since Superman grew up on Earth, Sesame Street and nap time made him as susceptible to Myriad as a human. You’d think it would be biology, but no, nurture. Lord points out that its war, and Kara will probably be forced to compromise her values to save everyone. He has a Kryptonite bomb that will kill non and his Kryptonian forces, but also force Kara and Superman to leave National City for the next 50 years due to the radiation. It will also kill around 300,000 people when it goes off.

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Non shows up to gloat, and also to flex his power over her friends. He makes Jimmy, Winn and someone named… I don’t know, Karen? Jump off the building. Kara’s fast enough to save the primary cast members, but the lady we just met this episode hits the pavement.

Alex and J’onn made it out of National City before all of this went down, evading the authorities all the way to the Danvers family home. J’onn reveals his true self to their mother who marvels at the biology of a shape shifter. They make the bad decision to head back when Kara calls to tell them to stay put. Indigo, however got put back together by Non, and she ambushes them, presumably fatally stabbing J’onn and kidnapping Alex.

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Knives and stabbing weapons.

Kara expresses how hopeless the situation seems to Cat. She knows that doing nothing isn’t an option; her mother let Krypton die by not taking drastic measures, but it’s not in her to just let even a comparatively small cross-section of the population die just to save everyone else. Cat gives her the pep talk she needs, though, and it gives her an idea: Hope.

They rope Lord into helping them, consigning the bomb to plan B. Their idea is to use Cat’s oldest TV station to slice into the Myriad broadcast and induce a subliminal, uplifting message in the hope of breaking its control. But just as they’re getting started, Alex shows up decked out in some sort of Kryptonite enhanced exoskelton. Through her, Non tells Kara that he’s pitting them against each other to hurt her, and wouldn’t you know it, but Alex just happens to have the sword she used to kill Astra.

Next week is Supergirl’s season finale. My guess is that they’ll weasel out of showing Clark at least one more time once all’s said and done. At least they seem to have been renewed for another season.

Final Thoughts:

  • You know, guys, J’onn’s uncertain fate might’ve had more impact if you didn’t show him alive and well in the teaser for next week.
  • Non is a PC gamer, considering how much Indigo enjoys playing with him.
  • I had trouble not seeing the parallel between Kara’s method of dealing with Kal-X and Lex’s bullshit with the Kryptonian ship in Batman v. Superman.

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