Supergirl “Manhunter”

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As you could probably guess from the title, this episode of Supergirl dealt mostly with J’onn J’onzz. Specifically, how he became Hank Henshaw. Which is fine, because we get to see Dean Cain again.

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Chocos: miniature chocolate tacos?

I’m going to keep calling him Hank until it’s no longer feasible, because every time I type out “J’onn J’onzz” I feel like I have a small aneurysm. Alex kees trying to be nice to him, but Hank wants none of it as it directly clashes with the promise he made her father. He knows that things will go sideways very quickly, and they do. Lucy shows up with Warehouse Agent Pete Latimer a Kree Col. James Harper to perform a thorough investigation of the DEO and determine how deep the rabbit hole of J’onn’s deception goes.

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I’m guessing one of the medals is an artifact.

Their interrogation of Hank is revealing; Col. Harper was friends with the real Hank and even he was taken in, so he had his engineers invent something to jam J’onn’s powers. It actually unravels the story of how he took on Hank’s appearance in greater detail. Jeremiah had doubts about their mission; he was all for capturing J’onn, since he probably knew a great deal thanks to his long life span. Real Hank decided that shoot to kill was a good policy, however. They split up to scout more ground, and Jeremiah almost immediately gets freaked out by a python. His gun jams, but J’onn saves him from it. They strike up a brief friendship over the concept of family, and it’s a good thing J’onn merely fears fire as opposed to actually having a weakness to it. This ends when Real Hank shows up and shoots J’onn.

Real Hank is a sociopathic sadist, as he specifically designed the bullets he’s using to cause J’onn excruciating pain. He knows from research that he had to take anyone that Superman refers to as “the most powerful being on the face of the Earth” seriously. Jeremiah knows that J’onn is a good guy and not a threat, even though Hank won’t listen to him due to his extreme xenophobia. They struggle over the gun, and Real Hank jams a knife into Jeremiah. Jeremiah wins by chucking Hank off the cliff they were fighting next to. J’onn promises to take care of Jeremiah’s daughters, and assumes Hank’s identity with no one the wiser.

I figure I may as well get the Siobahn stuff out of the way here. She has an alcoholic brunch with Winn, raging at the fact that Kara’s actions have made it impossible to get a job in her industry. Winn gives her a pep talk but it really only gives her a bad idea. She sneaks in to the CatCo offices after hours and writes a scathing email to Cat in Kara’s name. Unfortunately, Cat isn’t fucking stupid, has Winn check the email against Kara’s writing and work terminal usage, and unravels her deception almost immediately. Cat laments the fact that she didn’t fire Siobahn forcefully enough the first time and tells her never to appear in her sight again. Siobahn gets drunk on the rooftop of a building while chewing Winn out for his honesty. Her heel snaps, sending her plummeting to her probable death. Except her scream breaks her fall, much to her and Winn’s surprise.

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I have every reason to believe that drinking while wearing high heels never turns out this well.

Back at the DEO, Alex winds up in the hotseat thanks to her attempts to defend Hank. She tells them about how Hank saved her form partying her 20’s away until she wrapped her car around a tree, but tells them she had no clue he was an alien. She passes her polygraph grilling, but Lucy notices some tell or something and has her arrested. Col. Harper intends to send both Alex and J’onn to Project Cadmus.

Kara immediately goes to Jimmy for information. He tells her that Project Cadmus is basically a horrible experimental lab that dissects aliens to see if their abilities can be used for military applications; humans sent there fare little better. It’s the reason Clark refuses to work with the government, actually. Kara realizes their only in is Lucy, and reveals her secret identity to he to gain her trust.

They mount a daring heist of the transport on motorcycles, causing the transport to swerve and knock the device out of Col Harper’s hand. Alex stomps the thing, and J’onn uses his powers to wipe the Colonel’s memory of the last few day, saying he’s been practicing… somehow. While he does so, he sees one of the Colonel’s memories indicating that Jeremiah is alive, being held in the Project Cadmus facility. J’onn and Alex head off to find him, leaving Kara and Lucy to deal with the DEO.

So much happened on this episode of Supergirl. I really want to see what happens next. But, we have the Supergirl/Flash crossover next week, so that will probably go on hold.

Final Thoughts:

  • The Lane sisters have to feel really stupid every time a Kryptonian takes off their glasses.
  • I don’t think they’ve had a named character in the military in this series that wasn’t an asshole, other than Lucy.
  • The flashback to Alex meeting Hank for the first time really reminded me of that early scene from Kingsman.

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