Supergirl “How Does She Do It?”


Well, I guess now I can say they did the right thing on Supergirl. It sort of made the majority of what happens in this episode pointless, though. The ending left me slightly miffed, too.

I suppose I should start with everything that doesn’t matter since we already know how it turns out. Lucy made a case she was on an excuse to see Jimmy. Also, she was the one that broke up with Jimmy, according to Jimmy. Her excuse? He was so busy hero worshiping Superman, she felt justified since he wasn’t really paying her that kind of attention. We already know they get back together thanks to last week, however, so this isn’t really important. What is, is that Kara pushed Jimmy to get back together with Lucy. She says something to the effect that it isn’t fair for him to date anyone after Lucy (obvious implication) if he’s still hung up on her. Earlier in the episode, Alex straight up warns her not to do this, because it places her in the dreaded friend zone, which is worse for her than the Phantom Zone.

ALEX: stp beeng nice guy. KARA: bt I waaaaannna!
ALEX: stp beeng nice guy.
KARA: but I waaaaannna!

Also, Hank is not very careful with those glowing red eyes of his. They pop up several times; once when Kara could technically see, but was too out of it to really give it much credence. I don’t know how dry, red eyes help with bomb diffusal, but I’m guessing that it’s sweet, magical technology.

But on to better things. It’s not terribly surprising that Cat Grant’s mother is so much like her that they don’t like each other. More importantly, they don’t really help each other. Her mother places her own career over helping her daughter out. That is absolutely golden. Kara then decides to take the initiative and offers to help by picking up and baby sitting her son, Carter. Which Cat agrees to, because she wants to accept this award, and also the sitter she usually uses broke her leg trying to put away Cat’s summer shoe collection. Yes, seriously.

Kara gets caught up in some DEO related stuff and completely forgets she’s supposed to pick Carter up from school. So she flies there, setting up the scene from the promos for this episode, where she’s on the phone making up excuses for why it’s so loud. She gets there, quick changes into her street clothes in a bush because cell phones have made phone booths obsolete, and walks up to Carter just in time. No car. I have no idea how far the CATCO offices are from this school, but I can’t help feeling that the whole thing is somewhat weird because of this.

One of the big things is that she can’t figure out who’s spying on her, her initial guess of the DEO being wrong. It’s someone with means and bleeding edge technology. Also, they blow shit up to test her, which is why this episode was bumped. Alex figures out that not only are the bombs and the drone Kara took down related, the also use proprietary technology belonging to insufferably smug prick and Un-Batman, Maxwell Lord.

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See, I called him Un-Batman because they're both billionaire orphans.
See, I called him Un-Batman because they’re both billionaire orphans. Stop looking at me like that.

When the DEO goes to talk to Lord, a bomb just happens to be set to detonate in his lab. One which he can easily disarm. Except not, forcing Kara to show up and fly it out of the city. Unfortunately, it goes off in her hands before she can throw it into orbit, knocking her unconscious. The DEO was able to get her back on her feet with a high tech tanning bed, though.

You know Lord’s behind it all. He actually got a former employee to do it, and blow himself up get his daughter the medical treatment she needed, all to test Supergirl. He flat out fucking tells her this at the end of the episode, too. I guess he just wanted some really accurate stats for his trading cards or something. I, however, don’t get how she doesn’t bitchslap him 20 feet through the air after he tells her this. He literally had a guy who needed help blow up the Super Train that Lord wouldn’t shut up about for this. It is literally one of the most disgusting plans ever. So he could try to figure out her secret identity. Oh, but it’s okay, because he had a failsafe in the bomb he was close to.

He potentialy killed/hurt a whole bunch of people for this. Fuck this guy, drop him in a volcano or something!
He potentialy killed/hurt a whole bunch of people for this. Fuck this guy, drop him in a volcano or something!

Also, Kara’s really bad at babysitting. Carter literally has a mini Baby’s Day Out moment and manages to not-lie his way onto the Super Train. Sure, Kara saves all ot he train but the (automated) engine, but still. I have no idea how she doesn’t get fired for that one.

Final Thoughts:

  • No, seriously. I watched that scene three times, and I have no idea how the words “you’re fired” didn’t tumble from Cat’s lips.
  • When Carter said that he thought Supergirl’s best feature was her legs, I guess I’m the only one who thought “Of course, she stopped the train with them”. I was very tired.
  • Winn keeps a bunch of toys on his desk. I really have trouble believing that the CATCO offices match the “look at how fun our office is” mold.


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