Supergirl gives us hope in the latest ‘Injustice 2’ trailer

Today Warner Bros. and DC unveiled a new Injustice 2 trailer that showcases Supergirl and her place in the war between Batman’s resistance and Superman’s regime.

This latest trailer gives players a glimpse into Supergirl’s side of the story and the daunting foes that she faces. Torn between worlds, Supergirl must make the choice to fight alongside the people of her adopted home, or alongside the only family she has left.

Injustice 2 keeps impressing and thanks to the people at DC we look to be getting one heck of an impressive story. The Mortal Kombat people have been on a role with some amazing games as of late, but the story telling always felt a bit off.

With DC onboard helping with the Injustice 2 story this might be the most well-rounded game the studio has ever released. Fingers crossed this one turns out as good as the trailers are showing.

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