Supergirl “Crossfire”

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Supergirl’s been slowly ramping up the Cadmus drama over the season. Since Jeremiah is still stuck in one of their facilities, that’s understandable. But the really interesting part of this episode for me winds up having only a little to do with them.

Kara starts off with Mon-el in much the same way she started off herself. Namely, fake name, fake glasses, nerd clothes and an internship at CatCo. It becomes abundantly clear right off the bat that this isn’t going to work, but Kara doesn’t really give up on the idea that he’ll shape up to be like her and Clark. On his first day, he nearly outs himself and manages to shunt almost all of his work to Miss Tessmacher while he eats Redvines. To be fair, she’s instantly enamored with him, to the point that she lets him use her credit card later on.

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And they almost pork in the supply closet, to Kara’s horror. Hell of a first day.

It takes Kara sitting down and having a talk with Alex to realize what she’s doing wrong, there. When they were kids, Alex needed to learn that she had to let Kara figure out what she liked for herself. What’s good for the goose isn’t necessarily good for the gander, in a sense. It was just as well, anyway; he was so lousy he was fired after his first day.

Alex on the other hand, tries to move in on Maggie. Especially once she finds out that her current relationship imploded. Maggie, on the other hand is not so sure about Alex. By the end of the side story, they’re sort of together? Maybe? I’m not really sure, but either way tumblr is probably losing its collective shit.

The main conflict of the episode, though has to do with bank robbers armed with alien tech. Kara and Jimmy just happen to be walking down the street next to the bank they hit. The fact that they have a bunch of alien guns happen to make them far more threatening than usual. Jimmy tries to give as good as he gets, but he isn’t exactly armed. Supergirl’s able to fight them off, but she wouldn’t have if the weapons were fully charged. Jimmy, however, loses his father’s camera, it’s destroyed when the robbers escape.

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I’ll never figure out why he was carrying that particular camera.

The robbers are pretty clearly being propped up by Cadmus, a suspicion confirmed by their almost immediate broadcast. The leader is a pretty greedy guy, too; he flat out demands new guns from the Lady from Cadmus. This really only pays off once; the second time, she calls him on his greed. They’re really only useful to her so far as they generate fear of aliens; she has an endgame in mind.

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Jimmy, on the other hand, has had enough of this shit. Those assholes broke his keepsake camera, so he decides to engage in some vigilante justice. His street costume is literally a ski mask and a hoodie, letting him become a street ninja. Armed with an aluminum bat of +2 bonk, he once again picks a fight with these guys he can’t win.

Winn knows it was him; he told him where they might be, and Jimmy wasn’t all that careful about his face. He’s bound and determined to do this, though, with or without Winn’s help. Winn initially calls him on it and refuses; Jimmy will die if he eats a bullet out there. Winn eventually comes around to helping him, though, after the event at Lena Luthor’s party.

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When you see the guys that broke your camera after you told them NOT TO TOUCH IT!

Lena Luthor deliberately threw her fundraiser/party to repair the children’s hospital wrecked in the first attack. She knew they wouldn’t be able to resist hitting it, so she set a trap that would hopefully neutralize the weapons. It didn’t work, but with a little help from Winn, she gets it working, allowing Supergirl vs. bank robbers to end the way it should’ve in the first place.

She’s talking with Supergirl when they get interrupted by a surprise guest. It turns out that the Cadmus scientist lady is Lex and Lena’s mother, which adds a nice layer to her xenophobia. Also, she kills the robbers remotely before credits roll. No loose ends, after all.

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So Supergirl has set up most of the major players for the season. I have a little idea of what’s on the horizon, but I won’t spill it. That’d spoil some of the fun.

Final Thoughts:

– Total honesty? I’ve been waiting for Jimmy to sprout one of his many sets of superpowers. Helps make their casting make more sense.
– Mrs. Luthor did say she was doing all of this for her children. Can’t wait for Lena to find out.
– Mon-el was never going to pull off a desk job.

“Supergirl has set up most of the major players for the season”

“Pretty Good”

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