Supergirl “Changing”

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Supergirl has been pretty good about holding back twists recently. Which is good; in this case, it lets them milk the Miss Martian drama for all it’s worth. I’m just wondering what the leadup to the massive crossover is going to be like, though.

Alex has figured out that she’s gay, and specifically attracted to Maggie. She tells Kara about it, which sort of winds up as a drawn out thing over the episode. Kara finally gets around to figuring it all out, and gives Alex her support. Alex makes a move on Maggie, but gets rejected because of course she would. What part of what we’ve seen of Maggie would make her think otherwise? She seems to go through relationships like tissue paper, in a perpetual state of being broken up.

Mon-El, on the other hand, flat out disappoints Kara. About mid-episode, Kara responds to a call about an alien beating the crap out of another alien in an alley. It turns out to be Mon-El, who found work as muscle for an alien loan shark. He sees absolutely nothing wrong in using his powers for personal gain, which is something she’s very much against. She very nearly falls back on an old habit by wondering why she expected better of him. Even though she stops herself, he completes it for her, and the damage is done.

The core conflict concerns one Dr. Jones (no really), whose research team was at a polar research station studying climate change. They found a wolf in the melted ice, and discovered that it was still, somehow, generating warmth. They quickly find out that the cause is an alien parasite, which infects the doctor. It then feeds off the life energy of the other scientists, leaving only Dr. Jones alive.

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Very “The Thing”.

The DEO responds, of course, but they don’t realize he’s been effected until they find the recording of the wolf autopsy. Supergirl and Alex arrive at his college lab to late to stop him from killing the dean. Supergirl makes the mistake of trying to deal with him in melee, and he’s able to siphon some of her powers for his own use. Why Alex didn’t just shoot him when he started glowing, I’ll never know.

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Optimum bullet time, Alex. When they start glowing.

Jimmy’s upset that Kara got hurt. He pushes Winn for the suit, but Winn tells him it isn’t ready. This isn’t good enough for Jimmy, but Winn reminds him that dead heroes do no good, and he’ll die without the suit.

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They realize that he’s going to go after people who opposed his climate change ideas. And his biggest opponent was <s>Lt. Randy Disher Rand O’Reilly, a mid government type. J’onn impersonates him so they can get the drop on Dr. Jones. They start off kicking his ass, but make the mistake of both getting within grappling range once again. He drains them both, leaving them near dead and turning into a giant purple monster with more teeth than the Osmond family.

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They wind up looking extra cadaverous.

The two of them are taken back to the DEO, and Kara is guaranteed to recover under the lamps. J’onn, on the other hand, is going to die without a blood transfusion. Alex decides to get M’gann to give him a transfusion, since she’s totally a green Martian, guys. She’s apprehensive, but realizes he’ll die without it and agrees.

Their sidelining, however, gives Jimmy’s new suit a chance to shine. Mon-El does hold off Parasite for a few moments, giving O’Reilly a chance to get away, though. Dubbing himself The Guardian, Jimmy is able to go head to head with him without dying. He has Winn working the parts of the suit he can’t directly manipulate, like the shield deployment. Even then, he’s not making much headway.

Supergirl is back on her feet soon enough, though, and decides that there’s really no good way to stop the guy. She grabs some plutonium from a nearby nuclear plant to use against him. The reasoning being he won’t be able to handle that power if he absorbs it. She’s right.

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Normally, radiation gives you superpowers, but whatever.

The Guardian suit is lined with lead, so Supergirl can’t identify him. Mon-El’s come to a bit of a realization, and decides to try to help a homeless guy on the way home. Too bad he was actually a Cadmus plant.

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I’m pretty sure this is one of many reasons windowless panel vans are out of style.

Supergirl’s set up a bit of Cadmus for next week. I’m doubting we’ll see Dean Cain, yet. Considering where he’s been all this time, though…

Final Thoughts:

  • This one had a complete absence of CatCo related plot.
  • I’m not surprised that they nabbed Mon-El. He’s been doing stuff without any kind of identity protection.
  • I know it’s just lined with it, but wouldn’t lead really suck in armor?


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