Supergirl “Blood Bonds”

I personally feel that Supergirl came out of hiatus pretty well. I don’t have the numbers or anything, but if they can keep this sort of momentum up, I think they’ll do well. Assuming they can stave off cancellation. I haven’t forgotten Battle Creek, CBS.

Things pick up right where they left off; with Kara fighting her eeeeevil uncle, Non. Whose name is so stupid, I had to look it up to realize that it really is that simple to spell. And then realized he’s supposed to be the big guy from Superman II that pals around with Zod. Poo. There’s like zero chance Kara has that stupid symbol net thing to catch him. But, hey, he’s capable of full sentences; that’s got to be an improvement.


I sat there for several minutes trying to figure out whether is was spelled like that bread, or some crazy apostrophe mess.

Anyway, he pretty much wins their fight because he has actual training. He caps the whole Lord raid off by kidnapping Hank, much to Alex’s dismay. This drives the rest of the episode, with Kara wondering why Alex is suddenly so worried about him. Lord chucks them off his property because he’s a dick and he doesn’t want them snooping into his personal projects. Which are absolutely why Non and the Super squad hit his company.

Cat Grant is sure Kara is Supergirl, and spends almost the entire episode laboring under this belief. Which wouldn’t have wound up being such an issue if Kara was better with the whole secret identity thing. She seriously did a shit job with that. I mean seriously; objecting to things that don’t directly affect you with your boss (who seems to be as happy to fire someone as Mr. Wick) is the sort of behavior that stands out. Which is antithetical to keeping your identity secret.

Jimmy decides to engage in some corporate espionage on Lord behind Kara’s back. Its really the sort of thing that brings out Lord’s inner mafia Don. Jimmy’s initial visit was to get a good look at as many of the security measures as possible, before it was cut short by by Don Lordione’s offer to have his muscle “see him out”. Jimmy then conscripts Wynn into helping him get past the security measures that weren’t simple avoidable. He unfortunately only gets halfway into the super secret lab corridor before getting conked on the head and waking up in a big, dark empty room strapped to a chair. Lord actually gives him a light workover before smashing his camera and letting him go.


Don’t worry about Jimmy; he’s covered wars, you know.

Kara has a chat with Astra which is just about as venomous as could be imagined. She leaves her in the cell, unwilling to her her side of the story. That changes quickly once General Lane takes control of the DEO. He has a scene with Astra which really sheds some light on his extreme alien hate. He just remembers being a little boy and seeing The Day the Earth Stood Still. And then he starts dosing Astra with some Kryptonite laced sodium pentathol or something right in front of Kara.

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One failed rescue attempt later, Kara finally listens to Astra’s story. As it turns out, Astra and Non killed a few people in an attempt to raise awareness of Krypton’s impending doom. Alura sentences Non, but manages to hold off on doing so for Astra. She tells her that while she believes that Krypton is in trouble and that something must be done, she can’t condone Astra’s actions, and sends her to the Phantom Zone with the assurance that she’ll do everything she can to save Krypton. I’m guessing the Council of Stupid Hats wasn’t impressed with her proposal, because here we are.

Kara decides that an exchange for Hank is looking pretty good now, and General Lane can’t stop her because his men can’t shoot her after she saved them during the botched rescue. The exchange goes well until Non springs his little trap; all of their Kryptonian forces show up and prepare to heat vision the DEO off the map. Astra stops him, presumably due to honor, but before then Alex accidentally lets on that Hank is actually J’onn to Kara. Which gets fully explained to her offscreen, thankfully.

Then this happens.

Yeah, this is their way of getting the genie back in the bottle; Having J’onn impersonate her. Ironically, it actually highlights how the glasses don’t actually do much in the way of protecting her identity at all when she’s (theoretically) face to face with herself. But it convinces Cat, so that’s the important thing.

Final Thoughts:

  • Apparently comics Non was lobotomized on Krypton. The more you know~
  • Seriously, that scene with Astra and General Lane was really well done.
  • I have no idea what’s teased with Lord at the end of the episode.

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