Suda51 wants to make No More Heroes 3 after current spin-off

The news that SUDA51 was working on Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes people, myself included, got really excited for more Travis Touchdown. Then we found out the game was more a spin-off than a new entry and our collective hearts got a little sad.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still really excited to get more Touchdown as well as a nice Nintendo Switch exclusive, but a core series that plays like the first two entires would have been prepared. Then again, nothing that SUDA51 does makes much sense.

But SUDA51, speaking at EGX Rezzed, spoke about the new title saying “The idea with this game is that I really wanted to challenge myself to do something new for the series, and there’s going to be six worlds, plus something special at the end.”

He talked a lot about the game and it did quite a bit to get us really excited for the project. But he also mentioned the possibility of Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes being a stepping stone to get a proper third entry into the No More Heroes series produced.

“The success of this game, I’m hoping, I want to make sure that it’s a success. What it is, I want to make a proper numbered sequel. The revival is not just a one time thing. It’s a very important step for me going forward.”

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So make sure you all get out there and buy Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes so get don’t stop getting more Travis Touchdown. I wan’t the game to be a success, but we will have to see the demo for Nintendo Switch and if they want a more adult oriented game.

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