‘Styx: Master of Shadows’ is looking like the stealth game we always wanted

Styx: Master of Shadows is the Thief game we always wanted. This upcoming stealth game is an interesting take on the classic Thief style gameplay with Arkham style game mechanics. Below you will find the 15 minute walkthrough of the game and its unique elements that was shown behind closed doors during E3.

Styx looks fantastic and allows for some devilishly fun and unique ways to dispatch enemies from the shadows. Complete your mission in any way you see fit without being forced into a specific narrative path or by closing off certain areas. Choose your own path and kill or sneak how you see fit. This is a game that is on our radar and should be on yours as well.

Styx: Master of Shadows drops late summer 2014 on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.

Styx: Master of Shadows, the infiltration game developed by Cyanide studio for PlayStation®4, Xbox One® and PC, was revealed in great detail at E3 in Los Angeles where the game attracted the attention of press and players alike.

styx master of shadows

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