Street Fighter’s Guile Would Like to Sell you Hair Gel

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Strong enough to withstand a Sonic Boom.

Street Fighter’s Guile is now selling hair gel… in Japan. Guile is now the spokesfighter for J-Gel from Yanagiya, which is a company that’s literally been selling cosmetics for the last 400 years.

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Yanagiya, Capcom

Guile even gives an interview. I’m guessing at least a bit gets lost in translation, as the best I can do is Google Translate this stuff. Because I got a lot of lines like the following from the interview:

Q: How did you hear about “J”?
It was rare day when I first heard “J” for the first time. Suddenly my brother-in-law, Ken, came to me. I was just on vacation and the hair style was not that fine. Rather, it was hard to make usual staring, with humidity. At that time, Ken taught me. In Japan, there is a product called Ultra Hard Gel “J”.
It was a coincidence, but after a while I received a contact for the offer through the public relations of the military. Yanagiya head office of Japan’s hair care maker was paying attention to me living mainly in America. You might try “J” once you can make hair style ultra-hard. Even my heart trying to cool, my heart got hotter. After long thought, I made a decision. I will go see him to be harder than me. And it is a translation that I came to Japan today.

Q: Please tell me about the commitment of hair style.
If the hairstyle is disturbed, I am conscious of correcting immediately. The disturbed hairstyle leads to disorder of the heart. It’s not cool. “J” to be hardened in ultra hard is my partner from now. One of my good skills is that there is a technique called “summer salt kick” that kicks backward while somersaulting. I would be happy if you knew it …. Even using it several times, the hairstyle was stable. Hair style is also my own heart itself.

Q: How many times do you change your hair style a day?
For example, suppose that there is a task to board as a pilot. In that case, considering wearing a helmet, sometimes rinse the hairdresser. I heard that this “J” is non-oil. It is convenient to wash away quickly. Besides, it has a large capacity of 330 g. I use a lot of hair gel. There are also many times to use. This tough “J” has the potential to say exactly that I will use it. Moreover, it is hard to blow white powder. Do not be afraid of being adjustable if you have water.

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Yanagiya, Capcom

I don’t know about “rinsing the hairdresser” or anything of the sort. The gist of the interview certainly seems to be that no matter how many somersault kicks he does, his hair stays in place. But I do know that Street Fighter’s Guile makes sense as a gel salesman. More sense than Lightning and Snow trying to sell me a car, at least.

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Yanagiya, Capcom

~Now, we just have to wonder what brand of razors he uses to shave his eyebrows.~

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