Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection Release Date Announced

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection

Plus system specific goodies.

We finally have a release date for Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. And it’s also coming with a bit extra for everybody.

Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection will release May 29 for Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Switch. But there are also some pre-order goodies on tap. Pre-ordering the game for PS4, PC, or Xbox One also gets you a free, digital edition of Ultra Street Fighter 4.

But the Switch isn’t getting left out, there, even though it won’t get Ultra Street Fighter 4 with pre-order. Instead, it gets an exclusive the rest don’t get. As a pre-order bonus, Switch owners instead get Street Fighter 2: The Tournament Battle.

Just like it did in the arcades, this version of Super Street Fighter 2 lets you network 4 Switch systems over wireless connections to run a tournament bracket. I don’t think I need to explain why this makes this the pre-order bonus that fans of SFII will want.

Sadly, you’ll still have to wait until May 29 to get at all of Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection‘s goodness. And then you’ll have to figure out how to defeat Sheng Long.

Source: VG 24/7

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