Streamer Shoots His G Fuel Live On Stream

G Fuel

No, it wasn’t me, shut up.

Streaming and stupidity seem to go hand in hand nowadays. The plus side is that, if you stream a crime, it’s really easy to nail you. On the other hand, if you’re just an idiot, it’ll bite you in the ass.

Which is what happened when Call of Duty pro streamer Carl Reimer got drunk on stream and did something really stupid. He got out his Glock to show it off, unloads the magazine, fails to clear the chamber, and in a moment of absolute idiocy, fails to maintain proper trigger discipline. Specifically, waving the thing around while shit talking people that were implying he didn’t have money. This ends predictably; the gun goes off, destroying a bottle of G Fuel.

Luckily, no one was hurt.

Well, I mean, other than his hearing.

But that’s not really the end of it. Twitch has rules, and being so cavalier with a weapon is a big no-no, there. As such, he ate a suspension. He was also dropped by SoaR Gaming:

For what it’s worth, his apology video is genuine. He also realizes how lucky he was that no one was hurt.

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Remember, kids: when it’s streaming time, it’s never Glock o’clock.

Source: VG 24/7

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