Strap yourself in for 31 Days of Fright!

Greetings, guys and ghouls! Okay, enough of that. 31 Days of Fright begins tomorrow, and to give you an idea of how excited I am, I’m writing this in June, because this is far and away my favorite column to write (suck it, Every Best Picture!). Here’s this year’s lineup, if you want to watch along at home:


Mon, 10/1: Hellraiser

Tue, 10/2: Splice

Wed, 10/3: Jennifer’s Body

Thurs, 10/4: Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist

Fri, 10/5: Kill List

Sat, 10/6: Halloween II

Sun, 10/7: A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge

Mon, 10/8: Ginger Snaps

Tue, 10/9: Cube

Wed, 10/10: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

Thurs, 10/11: Hell House LLC

Fri, 10/12: Re-Animator

Sat, 10/13: Beetlejuice

Sun, 10/14: Idle Hands

Mon, 10/15: The Ring

Tue, 10/16: I Know What You Did Last Summer

Wed, 10/17: Night of the Living Dead

Thurs, 10/18: The Devil’s Backbone

Fri, 10/19: Event Horizon

Sat, 10/20: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Sun, 10/21: Eyes Without a Face

Mon, 10/22: The Strangers

Tue, 10/23: In the Mouth of Madness

Wed, 10/24: The Amityville Horror

Thurs, 10/25: Gerald’s Game

Fri, 10/26: The Monster Squad

Sat, 10/27: Veronica

Sun, 10/28: High Tension

Mon, 10/29: The Innkeepers

Tue, 10/30: The People Under the Stairs

Wed, 10/31: Saw


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Some of these will be great, and some will suck, but it’s going to be a blast regardless. Read the last two years of 31 Days of Fright here.

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