The Story Behind Marvel’s Cancelled Daredevil Game

Daredevil Game

Daredevil has redeemed itself in recent years thanks to the Marvel and Netflix partnership, but we can all recall not all that long ago where the man without fear was known as the man without a good anything. Sick burn aside, Daredevil was in a rough spot not only in the movie sphere, but also in comics and even in video games.

There was a time during the PS2 where the hero was tapped to get his own video game after the wild success of Spider-Man and his string of games going back to the PS1 and at a time when Marvel was selling their properties to anyone with a few dollars to spare. A small team was tapped to create a third-person adventure that would see Matt Murdock protecting Hell’s Kitchen.

But before things could get too deep into development problems crept up. The team behind the project, like with many licenced projects, had to deal many a too many hands in the kitchen. After producing a solid demo for the game Marvel jumped in to oversee things as they owned the rights to the character in question. Then Sony jumped in as the Daredevil motion picture was in the pipeline and they wanted to expand the project to multiple platforms beyond the scope of the small team. Then the studio went from 12 to 50 to meet demand on the games expansion. After all this the back and forth things became too much and the project was canceled, and we never got a pretty interesting looking Daredevil game.

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Even today with the wild success of Daredevil we still don’t have a Daredevil game. You can check out the full story of the cancel project from the wonderful folks at Unseen64 below:

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