Sting Set To Retire From Wrestling Due To Serious Injury

Sting Retires

Sting was the lone holdout that stayed away from WWE for the entirety of his career. So when he signed with the company longtime wrestling fans were really excited to see the living legend get one more push before be took his final three-count. Unfortunately, it looks like he has tapped out sooner than expected.

Sting has been out of action for some time after sustaining an injury during a match last September  with then champion Seth Rollin. The two had a storyline going that looked like it was leading to a big match at one of the WWE’s PPV events.

During said match Sting suffered an injury that was eventually diagnosed as cervical spinal stenosis. After this, many speculated that this would be the end for the Legend. Fans were really sad as WWE had only used Sting in three matches since his signing, all of which he lost. Great way to treat a Legend WWE…

There has yet to be an official announcement from Sting or WWE, but according to TMZ Sports, doctors have told the wrestler that getting back into the ring would be far too risky of a chance to take after this injury. If this is the case it would make sense for the announcement to come during the WWE Hall of Fame event in a few weeks before Wrestlemania.

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Via: (Complex)


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