Steven Universe “Same Old World

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Frequently, Steven Universe has slower, quieter episodes. That’s not to say they aren’t fun, per se. Just that they’re laid back enough that they don’t necessarily ratchet up the narrative tension all that much.

Peridot is busy really overselling her part in the whole drilling thing, though she does give credit where credit is due when it came to the Cluster itself. Steven’s more worried about Lapis, though. Garnet tells him that it’s best to leave her alone for the time being since she’d been through a lot. Later that night, he wakes to find her leaving. Despite his attempts to convince her otherwise, she leaves.

The next day, everyone is piling in Greg’s van to return to the temple. Peridot decides to stay in the barn; she needs to fix the giant hole she made in it with her robot, and she knows the horrors that go on in Steven’s bathroom.

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Just that face.

Steven decides to stay until he finds Lion, but instead finds Lapis on top of the water tower. She can’t return to Homeworld after the stunts she pulled with Jasper, and she’s spent years imprisoned on Earth.

Steven tells her that he’ll help her find a place to live on Earth that he’s sure she’ll like. They go on an aerial tour of the countryside, Lapis carrying Steven on her back. They make it as far as (not!) New York, but nothing piques her interest. She does note a dark cloud of unpleasant miasma located nearby, though.

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I had to pause until I stopped laughing. Good Game, Writers.

They continue on, and Lapis nearly drops Steven as the pass the Galaxy Warp. It’s where she was abandoned originally. She had visited Earth just to see it, but got caught in the middle of the war. She was mistaken for a rebel, and placed in the mirror for questioning. When Homeworld abandoned Earth, she was left there, broken, and eventually found by Pearl.

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I like the little simplified characters used for flashbacks.

When they get back, Steven reminds her that she’s not a prisoner anymore. If she stays. it will be her choice. She decides to stay in the barn, and then Peridot rolls up. This kicks off a disagreement next week.

Final Thoughts:

  • Never buy rest stop sushi in Jersey, Steven.
  • Lapis understood none of Steven’s mishmashed sitcom references.
  • The capstone to the Jersey joke was the fact that someone threw a boot at them and called them mooks.

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