Steven Universe “Message Received”

Almost there on a new batch of Steven Universe. I just have one more after this and I can kiss this week goodbye. Good thing this is in all likelihood the best of the week.

Things pick back up on Earth. Steven, under the guise of learning about the diamonds, lures Peridot into the truck. He then changes tack, stealing the crystal and locking her in the truck. He grills her on its purpose, but she decides to lie obviously about how unimportant it is. His resolution is to smash it with a hammer. This gets her talking.

Only thing worse than child-proof locks are child-proof pill bottles, am I right old people who presumably read this site?
Only thing worse than child-proof locks are child-proof pill bottles, am I right old people who presumably read this site?

She fesses up that it is a direct line to the Diamonds. Her design being to use it to contact Yellow Diamond and hopefully curry some amount of favor. Steven takes it to the other gems and they have a discussion about it. Steven feels betrayed, especially considering how he stuck up for her. Garnet just gets through telling Steven how, much like his mother, he tries to see the best in people even though some of them don’t really earn or deserve such treatment, when Peridot breaks out of the truck, then the barn with her robot. And chucks the truck at them.

What follows is a running battle to keep hold of the communicator. Apparently robot claws aren’t very good at operating small objects, and Peridot’s lack of awareness of her surroundings helps the Gems to bring her robot to ground. She and Steven struggle over the device before Steven is thrown off, and she finally turns it on.

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Peridot starts off fairly strong with her report to an almost indifferent, if not perturbed, Yellow Diamond. As things continue, though, she continues to cast glances back at the others hiding behind her robot, and you realize the direction things are going to head as the lies pile up. She finally questions Yellow Diamond’s judgement about the Earth, sealing the deal by calling her a clod.

This face is the best. I'm not certain whether it will displace Senator Maul from my desktop yet, but it's definitely the highlight.
This face is the best. I’m not certain whether it will displace Senator Maul from my desktop yet, but it’s definitely the highlight.

Despite the assurances of the others after the communication ends, Peridot is reduced to a huddled mass on the ground from the realization that she just turned traitor and is now one of them.

Final Thoughts:

  • “Not all Pearls know each other, Steven.”
  • Seriously, that face is freaking spectacular.
  • The message actually self destructs. Talk about old school.


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