Oh, man, finally. The end of Stevenbomb N: The Source. If this happens again during a normal week of Steven Universe, my head might explode.
Peridot is still apoplectic. She records her gibbering madness on the tape recorder Steven gave her, slowly losing her mind over having turned traitor. Garnet finally intervenes, and Peridot hands Steven the recorder, begging him to take it away as it is “the source of the madness”. Naturally, he can’t help but listen to it.
The episode is really meant to portray a large amount of character growth in a short amount of time to make Peridot’s actions in the previous episode make even more sense. Her interactions with various odds and ends in the barn are fairly entertaining in and of themselves. You also get to watch her try to gain an understanding of her surroundings.
![Green cat pushes man off roof #epicfail](https://i0.wp.com/www.gambitmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/roofpush.gif?resize=365%2C205&ssl=1)
At one point, she marvels at the fact that humans require separate clothing since they don’t simply manifest it themselves. She then puts the boxers she found and made the observation over on. Honestly, I think it was a missed opportunity; they’re printed with alien heads, when hey could’ve been heart print.
I think my favorite part is when she obsesses over a young adult show called Camp Pining Hearts. She watches the same episode over and over again for 78 hours. She even forms a chart of optimal battle pairings based on that episode, and gets upset when Steven points out that they aren’t even a couple as far as the show is concerned. Gee, I wonder what sort of person that sounds like…
![They really wanted you to know how Canadian it is.](https://i0.wp.com/www.gambitmag.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/SUld7152-1.jpg?resize=768%2C435&ssl=1)
Peridot slowly begins to understand Pearl and Amethyst, but Garnet eludes her. That is, until they sit down and talk, and Garnet offers to teach her about fusion. Which gets Peridot flustered. They fail to fuse, because Peridot decided to wear the stilts Steven made for her earlier on, but Garnet assures her that the important part is that she tried to understand her. She helps Peridot understand why she stays fused by relating it to her obsessive Camp Pining Hearts chart.
Garnet knew Steven would listen to the tape, so she recorded a message for him right before the end. She tells him that he probably shouldn’t have listened to all of it, but she knew he would, and that Peridot would probably want the recorder back about then.
Final Thoughts:
- Poutine and all. I’m honestly surprised the campers didn’t swig the maple syrup while eating Timbits .
- A six-pack may not save you from a fall, but I can assure you very few people like the keg.
- I think I’d be hard pressed to watch a single episode of a show for 78 hours. That’s, like, the point at which you hack your arm off with a butter knife to escape.