Steven Universe “Gem Drill (Part 2)”

Steven Universe - Gem Drill (Part 2)-0

Can you guess in which way I totally blew it last week. That’s right, I didn’t realize they were running doubles of Steven Universe! Which honestly pissed me off, just a bit.

Things pick up right where they left off. Peridot is panicking and so is Steven. He really can’t say anything to calm her, since he himself is not calm. Nonetheless, the two of them jump into the drill, just as the scaffolding collapses.

Steven notes the major design flaw of the drill; it barely fits the two smallest members of the team. How Peridot expected to fit all of them in there is anyone’s guess. But that’s the least of their worries.

Steven Universe - Gem Drill (Part 2)-1
The drill that will pierce the Heavens Hells.

They begin to drill through molten rock, with Peridot commenting that it’s makeup is similar to hers. Then the bits start attacking the drill. Peridot hands Steven an N64 controller that’s hooked up to a cannon on top. She mentions Pearl though it unnecessary, but Peridot was proven right to install it. Steven has misgivings about just shooting them, but there’s nothing he can actually do about it.

Steven Universe - Gem Drill (Part 2)-2
If you’re going to go with a controller, it may as well be the oddly shaped one that lets you make a d-pad joke.

When they finally make it to the Cluster, they find it trying to manifest a physical form. Peridot seizes on it’s inability to actually do so ad tries to destroy it with the drill. This causes Steven to start freaking out, and he eventually passes out shortly after all but the last drill fails.

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Steven Universe - Gem Drill (Part 2)-3

This leads to probably the most visually interesting part of the episode. Steven is conversing with all of the parts of the Cluster. none of them are actually capable of any real high level thought, though, and can only agree on whether or not to form. Steven convinces them, after a bit of work, to bubble themselves, keeping them from forming. They play with dark and light contrast far more here than I think they have in the series, which surprisingly works with the style of animation.

When he wakes, Peridot is surprised to find the Cluster bubbling itself. The others get back just as they return to the surface. All of them equally surprised that the problem was resolved so quickly and easily.

Final Thoughts:

–  I kept the drill jokes to a minimum. Thank me later.
–  While the animation is good, I can’t help but feel the ending was an anticlimax after all the buildup.
–  I was surprised to find that hand from the promos wasn’t Jasper’s.

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