So, I guess when I wasn’t looking, they decided to Stevenbomb us again. I have to ask, is this how it’s going to be? Ridiculous downtime punctuated by a week of new episodes? I think it would be easier to just run the damn show one a week as is standard for most shows. But what do I know, I’m some jackass that writes reviews of eleven minute shows.
Anyway, no one but Steven gets Crying Breakfast Friends. He’s watching it with Amethyst when the signal goes to crap. Ametyhst gets up to fix it the good, old fashioned way. After she kicks it, though, it jumps of its own accord. Peridot is sending out an SOS over all frequencies in a desperate attempt to get help from the homeworld. The gems realize that something needs to get wrecked.
They reach the communication hub via Lion since last time they were there, Sugilite wrecked the warp pad. Deciding that a repeat of that performance is a bad idea, Garnet decides to fuse with Pearl instead. This sort of burns Amethyst. Especially since the fusion, Sardonyx, is pretty strong. They knock the important parts of the tower out like Jenga blocks, defuse and go home.

The next day, Steven’s watching Crying Breakfast Friends with Garnet when the signal goes wonky again. They go back to the hub to find that it was put back together. Garnet and Pearl fuse again, and Amethyst sings a song about how left out she feels, especially since fusions with Garnet are always strong. Steven decides that the best thing to do would be to bring Amethyst back later, so that they can catch Peridot in the act.
They wait around at night for her to show up. Eventually Steven sees something through his spyglass. It looks like Peridot’s escape pod, which is weird because not only do the Gems have it locked up, it was pretty much wrecked. It uses tractor beams to rebuild the tower, and then its pilot steps out onto the very top of the tower. Steven thinks Peridot looks pretty odd, until he realizes its actually Pearl.
Then next day, Crying Breakfast Friends is interrupted again, and Pearl is pretty quick to jump on the “it’s Peridot again” boat. Steven and Amethyst go along with it, to uncomfortable to speak up about it. They get to the hub, and just as Pearl and Garnet are about to fuse Amethyst and Steven spill the beans. Upon hearing that Pearl was fixing the tower just to fuse with her, Garnet is furious. Amethyst tries to calm her by explaining that the reason she and Pearl always want to fuse with her is due to how strong the fusions make them feel, but Garnet is truly pissed off. They’ve been wasting their time on nothing while Peridot is still running around somewhere. She fuses with Amethyst and absolutely destroys the tower.
Later on, Ametyhst, just like everyone else, still doesn’t get why Steven likes Crying Breakfast Friends. Pearl and Garnet pass each other in the beach house, and Garnet clearly gives the cold shoulder to a regretful Pearl. Amethyst mentions that it would be nice if things worked out the way they do in cartoons, and Steven agrees, literally shutting off the episode.
Final Thoughts:
- Fusions with Garnet tend to be pretty full of themselves.
- Steven has a Gamecube. That equals class in my book.
- Cactuar Peridot.