Steve Harvey Invited Back To Host Miss Universe

Miss Universe

By know you have all no doubt seen the hullabaloo around Steve Harvey and his flub of the Winner of Miss Universe. Yes, it was pretty funny to watch, even if it must have been mortifying for the Family Feud host. Whatever you may think about Mr. Harvey and his personal views, I don’t wish something like what happened to him on anyone.

But one thing we do know is that the Miss Universe pageant would love to have him back again for next years show. The organization loved the energy that he brought and was happy with how he handled the situation, taking quick action to apologize for his mistake. Mark Shapiro, Chief Content Officer at WME|IMG stated that he would be happy to see him host again in 2016.

Check out the flub below:

To be perfectly honest, I didn’t even know there was a pageant going on, so having this happen only brought more attention to the event.

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