Stephen King’s “Bad Little Kid” coming to theaters

Now, I consider myself a pretty huge StephenKing fan. I own almost all of his books, including two obscure 80s paperbacks full of quizzes about his work. I have three tattoos inspired by King. Hell, there’s a character named “Trevor Dawson” in It, which has gotta win me some points. So imagine my surprise when I read that a story I’ve never even heard of is being turned into a movie.

“Bad Little Kid” was published in e-book form in March of this year and released only to French and German audiences, as a way of saying thank you for their hospitality when he visited last November. Ain’t it Cool sums up the story thusly:

The 68-page story has a young boy inadvertently causing the deaths of those around him (think a well-meaning Damien). A prisoner named George Hallas tells his story to his public defender in an attempt to justify his apparent murder of the boy. Needless to say, the lawyer has to deduce whether his client is a raving loon, or if he really had no choice but to take the life of the poor, destructive child.

Yep, that sounds like something straight out of Everything’s Eventual. Bad Little Kid is set to be directed by Laurent Bouzeraeu, who has never directed a feature film before, but has directed several documentaries, including A Night at the Movies: The Horrors of Stephen King and Roman Polanski: A Film Memoir. I need this out like yesterday; it’s bad enough I have to wait until June to read King’s new book Mr. Mercedes.

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