Steam Summer Sale Causes Mass Confusion, Wishlist Deletions

It’s a total boner.

The Steam Summer Sale just got started, and already there’s something of a user-related mess. The sale promises users in the top 3 teams a chance at getting their most wanted game on their wishlist on any given day. Unfortunately, no one really understood what this meant; so in an effort to get the game they want, users have been mass deleting games from their wishlists.

It is a problem,, however, as Jake Birkett of Grey Alien Games points out. By doing a little math, he came to the conclusion that each time a game is put on a wishlist, it’s essentially valued as around 0.5 sales of that game. Essentially, when a user puts a game on a wishlist, it counts as a likely engagement to buy that game at some point in the future. Which is especially important for indie developers.

And a number of other developers have noticed the purge going on. And their reactions run the gamut.

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To steam’s credit, they’ve responded. They put out a blog post to alert users to the fact that they can rearrange their wishlists so that the game they want is in the top spot without deleting anything, a feature that’s existed for literal years. They also made a PSA tweet to much the same effect.


Aside from that, they’ve also monkeyed with the event a bit, hopefully making it less confusing and more fun to play. So rep your furry racer, and maybe win a game.

Source: PC Gamer

About Author

B. Simmons

Based out of Glendale California, Bryan is a GAMbIT's resident gaming contributor. Specializing in PC and portable gaming, you can find Bryan on his 3DS playing Monster Hunter or at one of the various conventions throughout the state.

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