Steam Lists Game Called “Rape Day”: Visual Novel About Serial Killer/Rapist

Rape Day

Oh shock. You sure are edgy, game guy.

Valve has taken a very hands-off approach to what games can be on their platform since the death of Steam Greenlight. Hell, they even allow porn games on there now. But the greatest challenge to that is on its way;a game called Rape Day. The description from the “Adults Only Sexual Content” locked page:

Control the choices of a menacing serial killer rapist during a zombie apocalypse. Verbally harass, kill, and rape women as you choose to progress the story.

It’s a dangerous world with no laws. The zombies enjoy eating the flesh off warm humans and brutally raping them but you are the most dangerous rapist in town.

Rape Day is a choice driven visual novel. It does not include grinding or any other time wasting activities. So skip the foreplay and enjoy your Rape Day; you deserve it.

The, uh, developer also has a Q&A on the game’s site defending his motives in making this game. And, you know, a bibliography of links to studies that show that video games do not cause violence.

Q: Your game will get banned.
A: I did not set out to upset anyone. I set out to make an entertaining visual novel I would enjoy, and some others would enjoy as well. Moral outrage of a vocal minority may be enough to cause Steam to ban my game and/or myself.

If my game is banned but I am not banned, I may choose to create non-violent porn games, or violent games without a pornographic element to them. I will continue to comply with all of steams new rules or policies, unless I feel those policies become too restrictive on my creative freedom, in which case I will default to solution two (below).

If both my game is banned and I am banned, then I will ensure that a content platform for all kinds of legal, quality porn games exist. I will ensure that it provides the stable foundation for the porn gaming industry to grow and flourish to be the billion dollar industry that basic biology would have it be. Again, if steam chooses to continue to allow this kind of content as the fledgling porn gaming industry starts to emerge, then they will reap the greatest rewards and I will be more than happy for them; myself continuing to build quality niche porn games.

I’d honestly find it more respectable if, instead of trying to make a reasoned argument, he just said “yeah, it’s a slimy porn thing, don’t think too much about it”. Seems to work for Japanese porn people.

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I think my favorite “Q” there is ” This is not a Game it’s a glorified slide show (aka it’s a game shaped object) “.

Oh, also, there was a baby killing scene at one point. No anymore, though, someone raised the point to the dev that it might actually be considered “child exploitation”. Thank goodness we dodged that bullet in a game about rape.

The game is currently under review by Steam.

Rape Day is complete. It is currently under review by Steam before release.

I reached out to Steam because the review process was taking longer than expected.

I learned that because the game contains sexual content and content that may be illegal in some countries, the review process will take much longer than expected. Unfortunately, I was not able to get a more specific time estimate for you guys.

Thank you all for your patience.

So before I’m out on this one, I have just 3 points I’d like to make.

  1. This game is ugly as hell. I mean that.
  2. It’s a Visual Novel about rape. That’s, like, two marks against it.
  3. Why does the player character look like Vincent D’Onofrio’s Wilson “The Kingpin” Fisk?
Rape Day
Same energy.

Source: PC Gamer

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