Star Wars: Squadrons Is A Cross-Play Dogfighting Game With Zero Microtransactions

EA is trying their very best to not seem like the bad guys after slowly destroying Star Wars games to a point so low that they nearly lost the license altogether.

In an attempt to appease fans they are going against their own corporate instincts by announcing Star Wars: Squadrons, a dogfighting game that pulls from the much-loved X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter series that graced PCs in the 90s.

The game will run you $40 and feature zero microtransactions, something unheard of for a competitive multiplayer game. EA also notes that the game will feature a dedicated story mode and be cross-play compatible between consoles and PC. You’ll also be able to experience the game in VR.

Skipping the microtranactions means that players will instead be able to unlock new weapons, ships, and abilities as the rank up. Remember when that was a thing? Seeing something in a decked-out ride means they earned it and even if they wreck you, you know that with some work you can get what they have as well. It’s great incentive to keep learning and working.

The single-player story takes place after the Battle of Endor and takes place from multiple pilot perspectives. Pulling from X-Wing vs Tie Fighter, some missions will have you on the side of the New Republic and other on the side of The Empire.

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Star Wars: Squadrons is set to release this October.

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