Star Wars Resistance First Look Trailer Drops

Star Wars Resistance

Spies and flyboys?

Disney gave us our first look of the upcoming Star Wars Resistance. And, honestly, I’m not totally sure about it.

It’s cell shaded, but I don’t really feel that was a necessity, considering how the last seasons of Rebels turned out. As to the plan to have it set between the original trilogy an the sequel trilogy, that’s probably a wise move on Disney’s part, though I’ve found myself to have really cooled on the sequel movie. But people seem to be hitting the comments and like/dislike bar in droves.

Star Wars Resistance

On the one hand, I actually get it. It genuinely took an awful lot of willpower on my part to keep from laughing at The Last Jedi when I watched it in the theater. On the other hand, though, this is one of Dave Filoni’s babies, and his stuff tends to be a slow burn through the first season. By season 2, it’ll likely start to get good, just like its predecessors. So maybe consider that  before mashing dislike.

Either way, Star Wars Resistance premieres October 7th at 10pm on the Disney Channel

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