Star Wars Rebels Mid-Season Trailer Promises Obi-Wan/Maul Fight

The moment we have waited for is upon us. Old Ben and Maul will finally have the grudge match on Star Wars Rebels. This season has been pretty good overall, specifically in regard to the lead up to this fight. We do, however, already know who’s actually going to walk away from this fight. The question is whether Maul’s going to wind up half the man he currently is. There’s even less of him left than Saw Gerrera.

Star Wars Rebels - Obi-Wan vs Maul
It is on! Disney XD

Speaking of, in part of the continuity with Rogue One, Saw Gerrera will be making at least one appearance. Forrest Whitaker will be reprising his role, and will appear in the episode this Saturday. Among many other things, the mid-season trailer promises Mon Mothma, TIE Defenders, another Interdictor, and a step forward for Thrawn’s plans. Oh, yes, and Sabine training with Kanan to wield the Darksaber. The plan clearly being to get her to lead the remaining Mandalorians. No small feat; they’ll all be gunning to take the Darksaber from her for the right to rule.

A lot of answers are promised this season. The fight has been teased all season, and there’s no telling when it will happen.

You can catch the Mid-Season Premiere Saturday, January 7th on Disney XD.

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