Star Wars Rebels “The Future of the Force”

Star Wars Rebels

This week on Star Wars Rebels sees the return of Ahsoka. It’s been, what, like 5 episodes? I can’t really imagine searching for information about Darth Vader really taking that long, but whatever.

Ahsoka comes around and asks Kanan, Ezra and Zeb to check one end of an occurrence while she checks another. While she was looking for Vader info, she happened across something about the Inquisitors. They have a secondary mission in addition to hunting down Jedi, and it involves retrievals of… something. She gives them the coordinates she obtained and heads off.

Turns out that what their secondary mission is happens to be collecting Force-sensitive children, presumably to raise a bunch of little Sith Lords. Or maybe inquisitors. Either way, it’s a plot much the same as one from The Clone Wars, and Ahsoka flat out says as much when she finds out. Count Dooku tried to pull that shit off and failed. Considering who the inquisitors get their marching orders from, it’s not that surprising. After all, he was involved in foiling that one way back when.

They get there to find that the Inquisitors were there first. Luckily, the mother is still alive, and tells them that she sent her baby away with a courier droid. Meanwhile, Zeb and Chopper find the Inquisitor’s TIEs. They’re about to set the explosives when they hear a baby crying. Chopper would rather blow the baby up with the TIEs because he’s a bloodthirsty bastard with a lower regard for life than HK-47. Shit, he really enjoyed killing a whole bunch of Imperials at once; he definitely has a higher kill count than the rest of the crew of the Ghost combined, achieved in one fell swoop.

"I love murder, I love killing, I love murder! Budabudabudabuda"
I love murder, I love killing, I love murder! Budabudabudabuda”

They send Zeb to receive the baby from the droid. Too bad the Inquisitors were on to that. And since The Fifth Brother has a lot of anger issues, he seemingly destroys the droid before checking to see if the baby was in the basket. This sends Zeb on the run, and he chooses to go into a building rather than lead them around in the open. Kanan and Ezra catch up with him just in time for the shit to really go down.

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Even when they get away, which I have to say is a set piece worthy of the movies (seriously, Zeb and Kanan jump out of a high window into a speeder that was passing by), they don’t really get away. The Inquisitors called ahead to put the ports on lockdown. They’re screwed; Ezra’s no match for them, Kanan can’t hold both of them off, and Zeb doesn’t have access to anything that would be effective against them.

Here I come to save the day!
Here I come to save the day!

Ahsoka tells them to get in the damn ship and take off, ’cause she’s got this. And she does… right up until a whole bunch of stormtroopers roll up. It doesn’t matter if their aim is shit; they can fill the area with enough fire that she couldn’t possibly block it all. Luckily, her exit strategy involved hopping into the Phantom as it passed by.

That lightsaber variant of the old samurai blade grab was totally wizard.
That lightsaber variant of the old samurai blade grab was totally wizard.

Final Thoughts:
– “I once accidentally walked into Chopper’s room. I asked him why there were five corpses. He laughed when I said ‘five’.
– I initially thought Pypey was the Ithorian word for baby, rather than a proper noun.
– That Ahsoka/Inquisitor fight was pretty damn wizard.
– They could’ve alt. titled this one as Three Men and a Baby.


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