Star Wars Rebels “The Antilles Extraction”

Star Wars Rebels - The Antilles Extraction-0

Star Wars Rebels draws towards its close this season. That means that they’re going to set up as much as possible for the original trilogy, in conjunction with Rogue One. But, Hell, you dangled an Obi Wan/Maul rematch in front of me, guys. I want it to happen. I really don’t care how much it will take to make it fit together with the OT.

Anyway, after an entire wing of Phoenix squadron, along with a transport, gets wiped out by the Empire, they realize that they need better pilots. Coincidentally, Ahsoka wasn’t the only Fulcrum (her idea), and at least one of them is deep inside the Imperial hierarchy. Through this Fulcrum, they find that several Imperial pilot cadets are seriously thinking of defecting.

They decide to insert Sabine as their plant, since Ezra is super noticeable. It helps that, as far as I can recall, they’ve never seen her face thanks to the helmet. That being said, she still has to dye her hair a normal human color. Though, considering she was a cadet in the first place, how they’re not going to recognize her is beyond me.

Star Wars Rebels - The Antilles Extraction-1
Nothing quite like having your credit card demagnetize, right?

She almost immediately runs into Wedge in the training simulator. It’s also where she sends up her first red flags, following protocol rather than orders. Wedge sticks up for her decisions in the simulator, which raises her suspicions. A little snooping later, and she finds out that Wedge and his friends Hobbie and The Expendable One Rake have all been talking about leaving to join the Rebels. Sabine draws Wedge of and broaches the subject with him. She’s able to convince him to follow her lead next time they fly a training exercise.

The only problem being that Governor Pryce and Agent Kallus show up specifically to root out the potential Rebel defectors. Their invasive inspection doesn’t really turn anything up and drives the instructor nuts. But Pryce got an idea from listening to him rant at her.

She makes sure all of the cadets go up on a training exercise. Sabine, thinking this might be their only shot, calls in Ezra and Kanan for extraction. The second the Rebel ship jumps in, the four of them head for it. But, say it with me: it’s a trap! Pryce and Kallus had the TIEs rigged, leaving them dead in the water. They make an example out of Rake.

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Star Wars Rebels - The Antilles Extraction-2
Oh, like you really thought he was going to make it.

They’re able to pry Sabine’s real name out of Wedge without even torturing him., ans single her out of the lot. Pryce doesn’t get her way, and Sabine fights her way out of the interrogation room, rescuing Wedge and Hobbie on the way. They get blocked into a room, however, and encounter Kallus. He lets them go, even telling them which hangar would be their best bet. All he asks in return is for Sabine to tell Zeb that they’re even.

Star Wars Rebels - The Antilles Extraction-3
“Tell him that absence makes the heart grow fonder.”
“Just tell him!”

They hop into a TIE bomber which, while heavily armored, is S.L.O.W. The instructor is sick of them, and chases them in his Interceptor, trying to shoot them down. Ezra and the Rebel ship show up just in time to pick them up and bring them home, however. In doing so, they planted the seeds of what would become Rogue Squadron.

Star Wars Rebels has dangled the possibilities with Kallus since last season. I’d be willing to bet he’s been having second thoughts, but I’m not sure he’s the new Fulcrum. But, hey, we’ll find out eventually, right?

Final Thoughts:

  • The fight between Sabine and Pryce stands out. I’m having some trouble thinking of other fistfights in 3D animation.
  • On the other hand, we already know Kallus isn’t fond of Thrawn’s methods.
  • I am now patiently waiting for “The Porkins Emigration”.


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