Star Wars Rebels “Always Two There Are”

The title of this episode of Star Wars Rebels probably sounds better if you imagine it coming from Yoda. “Always two there are. A problem, it will be.”

Kanan’s not that great a teacher. His attempt to get Ezra to do the whole “focus on the force” thing ends pretty badly, with Chopper locking himself to the floor and Rex pointing out that focus is all well and good, but using your eyes to actually assess the situation sure helps. Kanan gets into a circular argument with Rex, so Ezra decides to tag along with Zeb, Chopper and Sabine on a mission to go find medical supplies in an abandoned Republic base.

Ezra and Zeb get into a competition to see who finds the supplies first. Not only do they all run right past them, Ezra clearly forgot that he has eyes. And runs right into a bar [insert joke here].

He turned into Mr. Magoo so slowly...
He turned into Mr. Magoo so slowly…

So the big thing here is the new inquisitors; the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister (whom I did not realize was Sarah Michelle Gellar under the voice processing). They’re not exactly happy to work together, but they do despite a clash of methodology. The Seventh Sister is manipulative and calculating, while the Fifth Brother is more direct. They easily get everyone split up, though, capturing Ezra.

While the Brother goes hunting for the others, the Sister immediately goes to work on Ezra. The usual promises of the dark side start to get woven in to her attempts to recruit him. She also takes a few pot shots at Kanan, as he never got promoted to knight and is far outside his capabilities in trying to teach Ezra. Also, she calls him pretty.

Whoah, BAD TOUCH! Where's Chris Hansen when you need him?
Whoah, BAD TOUCH! Where’s Chris Hansen when you need him?

Sabine and Zeb try to take out the Fifth Brother with a bunch of detonators. Which is smart, because splash damage is one of those things force users usually can’t do much about. It doesn’t go as planned, though, when he just rips them up and uses them against them. Which leaves Sabine open to getting taken, and Zeb unconscious enough to be killed by the Sister’s pet droids (he doesn’t, though).

READ:  Star Wars Rebels "The Honorable Ones"

The inquisitors weren’t really sent to break up the rebellion; Vader is handling that, and will be for years. They were dispatched to deal with Ahsoka, and Kanan to a lesser extent. He likely correctly figured that dealing with his former apprentice directly might be a bad idea, even though he wasn’t going to have much opportunity to do so. The Seventh Sister decides that Sabine will be the leverage she needs to get Ezra to call in Ahsoka.

Zeb got away from the droids, found chopper, and got the supplies back to the Phantom, before honor attacked him. He couldn’t leave them behind, so he fakes being a general for them to betray via radio, floating them a hint of his plan. Thanks to a bit of deception, Zeb gets them back on the Phantom, and they flee the base.

Back with the fleet, they tell the others about the new inquisitors. This freaks Kanan out; he thought there was just the one he fought and killed. Ezra also tells him that they know of Ahsoka, leaving Kanan catatonic with the knowledge.

Final Thoughts:

  • The Fifth Brother just sort of dismisses Agent Kallus. Who somehow got back to the Star Destroyer.
  • I guess all of the inquisitors have the same spinny lightsabers.
  • There were no Wookies on the Ghost to allow to win at Dejarik.

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