Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the World’s most Hateable Vampire

Star Wars Battlefront 2

A.K.A Star Wars Battlefront 2 Part 4: The Revenge.

You know what the difference between the last one of these I did and this one is? Last time, I didn’t have a lot of hard data as to how EA shot themselves in the foot. But thanks to Star Wars Gaming, we now know that it’ll take either 4,528 hours of gameplay (or $2100 on average) to unlock all the content in the game. Oh, and EA capped the amount of time per day you can earn credits through play. In addition to the fact that, in addition to prices, the cut credit rewards for challenges by the same amount. Which means they fixed, you guessed it…


“A sense of pride and accomplishment”, EA? I can’t think of a single game across the entirety of my life that I’ve spent more than 1000 hours on, let alone 4000! Pride and accomplishment, my ass. And, keep in mind, that $2100? That’s a statistical average, assuming everything you get out of your loot boxes meets the median. It could easily be more. This, EA, this is why people consider you the worst company. You’ve made Star Wars Battlefront 2 into some ungodly soul sucking creature, a time vampire. And this probably isn’t going to just blow over like with any of your other IP’s. This is Star Wars; these fans will more than happily pay exorbitant sums for things they want, but most of them are probably offended that you’ve pulled this shit. And a lot of them are still butthurt over stuff like Disney jettisoning the Expanded Universe wholesale. They’re sure as hell not going to let it go.

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I can’t wait for the other shoe to drop.

Source: GameRant

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