Star Wars Battlefront 2 update ends “pay-to-win” features

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is making news again, but this time for something on the positive side of things.

After months of work, we now know that Star Wars Battlefront 2’s progression system is getting some massive changes in an upcoming update to the multiplayer shooter. The progressions system will now become linear in nature, making it easier and more fair on everyone playing.

This system will all affect the Star Cards that everyone really knocked the game for (us included). You’ll now only be able to earn Star Cards in-game and not from making purchases, again, making the battlefield a more level one.

Crates also are getting a nice change as players can now earn them by completing challenges and reaching various in-game milestones. On top of that change, there will now be nothing inside said crates that will impact gameplay in any way, shape, or form.

And if all that wasn’t enough, there will be a number of balances made to the game as well as the addition of new modes. This massive update is slated to go live on March 21st. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is a lot of fun, so we hope these changes (which should have always been there) can reinvigorate the game.

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