Star Wars Battlefront 2 Controversy Part 3: Tokyo Grift

Star Wars Battlefront

You know what, EA? Fuck you.

I really can’t explain why I expected better from EA. Truly can’t. But naturally, they fix one thing publicly and ruin another in an attempt to get accolades for not really changing anything. Because now, in addition to cutting prices on heroes, they’ve done the same to the amount of credits you get for completing the campaign. It was 20,000; enough for a new hero you’d actually want (like, oh say, Darth Vader, or Luke Skywalker, or maybe Princess Leia or Han Solo) at the current prices. Now, it only gives you 5000.

Which, much like before, is seemingly only useful for unlocking the Story Mode player character (Iden Versio) in multiplayer. A character which should probably be unlocked by doing something like, I don’t know, BEATING THE STORY MODE by default. So literally nothing has changed other than, perhaps, the amount of time you grind for credits to buy the rest. And even then, I’m not sure whether that’s been affected, too.

And the worst thing about this, for me, is that you’ve demonstrably made me waste 3 fucking days on this shit. And I don’t even own the goddamn game, nor a means of reasonably playing it! Impressive, most impressive.

Pretty much how I feel right now.

But wait! there’s more!

All of this is not even taking into consideration that you waded neck deep into the fucking loot box shit. Which I’m so done with, I don’t even want to look my articles up to link to them in this article. You force players to buy crystals, to buy loot boxes, to get starcards, to break down into credits to buy characters. If there was a Mirror Universe Nobel Prize you earned by being a spiteful bitch and fucking over your playerbase, I’m pretty sure you would’ve just earned it. Again.

Even Blizzard‘s has gotten in on taking shots at you:


So fuck you too, EA. I hope this costs you the Star Wars license. I hope Disney revokes it, I really do. You have the Midas Touch; only, instead of gold, everything turns to shit. You managed to take something with a large, pre-installed fanbase and ruin it.

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Source: VG24/7

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