Star Trek Timelines First Screenshots

Star Trek Timelines

Disruptor Beam (nice name) has been hard at work to have a playable demo of the forthcoming Star Trek Timelines game in time for PAX East. Rich Gallup, Executive Producer on Star Trek Timelines says the following on the current state of the project:

As we have mentioned before, Star Trek Timelines features your favorite characters, locations, and storylines from nearly all of the Star Trek canon. When building the demo we wanted to test our assumption that all of these eras would blend together nicely and provide an interesting play experience. Towards that goal, in the demo players will captain the Enterprise-D on a mission where they square off against Regent Worf of the mirror universe’s Klingon-Cardassian Alliance, travelling to familiar locations from the Klingon home system of Qo’noS to Deep Space 9 and the Genesis Planet.

It’s also important to note that we did get some brand-new information regarding in-game characters and the state of your crew:

The current version of our missions, which will be on display at PAX East, allows players to see the impact of choosing between various commanders, diplomats, scientists, engineers, and medical or security officers. Familiar faces on your crew will include Sisko, Janeway, T’Pol, Wesley Crusher, Dr. McCoy, and Locutus of Borg – plus many more!

You can head over the the Star Trek Timelines blog to read the full post. Below you will find the first screenshots from the game, and I do say that have me, as a massive Star Trek fan, very excited to get my hands on the game.

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Star Trek Timelines

Star Trek Timelines

Star Trek Timelines

Star Trek Timelines



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