Star Trek Online: Delta Rising Official Announce Trailer

Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online is fun MMO for fans of the Next Generation universe. I have been playing the game on and off since before the game went Free-To-Play. I’m not one to get into multiplayer games (read most of my past reviews), but me and my former roommate really got sucked into STO thanks to me being a huge fan of the series and him just getting into it (He really loved Star Trek Enterprise).

Seeing this fairly new trailer for the latest expansion titled, Delta Rising, I am once again excited to jump back into the game. Sure, this is probably due to the epic music and quick cuts (I usually hate trailers like this), but it’s Star Trek and I’m a sucker for anything Trek. Hell, I was even excited for that canceled browser-based game that was to be based on the DS9 world that nobody knew about.

Check out the trailer below:

Star Trek Online
What a beauty

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