Star Trek Online boldly continues its current season

Tensions will rise in Star Trek  Online, as captains will soon have access to a new update to Season 13 – Escalation. On July 18, Season 13.5 launches on the PC version of the 100% free-to-play MMORPG based on the Star Trek franchise.

This mid-season update sends players on a dangerous prison break mission to rescue General Martok, voiced by J.G. Hertzler from “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.” Season 13.5 also introduces a Ferengi Admiralty Campaign and the new Endeavor System, which provides captains with special challenges for rewards.

Season 13.5 opens with a new featured episode called “Brushfire,” where captains are tasked with a mission from legendary Klingon General Rodek, voiced by Tony Todd. He requires their assistance to break into a secret Son’a prison to extract Martok, a powerful Klingon general played by J.G. Hertzler, who originated the role in “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.” The Alliance hopes that Martok will be the key to defeating the Tzenkethi, who continue to terrorize the galaxy with weaponized use of protomatter.

The mid-season update for Season 13 – Escalation marks the debut of the new Endeavor System, which offers captains new challenges to complete for rewards. Players can participate in a new endeavor every few days and earn immediate rewards for completing specific in-game tasks. In addition, Season 13.5 introduces a new Ferengi Admiralty Campaign, which lets captains send ships on assignments to earn resources in support of the Ferengi Alliance.

Star Trek Online is currently available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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