Star Trek: Khan Has Cast Their Khan With Lost’s Naveen Andrews

Star Trek: Khan

Perhaps I no longer need to try, Admiral.

Well, in what may be the least necessary interquel in existence, Paramount’s making Star Trek: Khan. And they have their Khan in former Lost star Naveen Andrews.

Also joining Andrews is Wrenn Schmidt (For All Mankind) as former Starfleet Lieutenant Marla McGivers, who followed Khan to Ceti Alpha V in the Original Series Episode Space Seed.

This is an audio series (why?) written by long-time Star Trek writer David Mack and Kirsten Bayer. It’s apparently based on a story by Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan writer and director, Nicholas Meyer. I have no way of checking that since Google search is now worthless.

I’m going to be honest with you, I have no idea who this is for. It’s obviously mining nostalgia, so you’d think it’s for someone like me, but I never asked for this. On the other hand, it’s an audio drama, so it’s going to be… whatever.

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