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GameCo, creators of the first Video Game Gambling Machine, have reveales a Deep Space Nine themed gambling game. Titled Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Red Alert, it tasks players with protecting the crew against “antagonistic aliens and dangerous stellar phenomena”, as well as defending a number of Federation ship, including the USS Defiant.

GameCo revealed the game early, while it plans to show off the game at the Star Trek Las Vegas convention running July 31st to August 4th. Coincidentally, GameCo is running a contest wherein one lucky fan will get to have their likeness in the game as a character, as well as host several in-game missions. Anyone can enter; those at the convention can enter by registering with a GameCo employee at Quark’s Bar, while those not lucky enough to be present can submit their application to @GameCoLLC on Twitter, as well as liking and retweeting the announcement post. The winner will be selected randomly on August 19th.
Star Trek commands one of the world’s most passionate fan bases, and we’re thrilled to reveal the new Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Red Alert game to them today. As the creator of Video Game Gambling, we’re constantly looking to partner with beloved properties to develop innovative gambling experiences for fans that will change the face of how people play in casinos.
Rich Maryyanek, Global Business Development, GameCo