Star Trek: Alien Domain releases new faction battle mode

Star Trek Alien Domain

I’m a big fan of anything Star Trek, so you know I’m going to cover anything video game related. Sure, I may just want a Bridge Commander 2, but any game will do, even one that uses some questionable character art ( personal opinion). Still, for a free little browser game Star Trek: Alien Domain has offered up some fun during the open beta.

Now the game is adding in a new faction-based PVP mode, “System Battle”, is now live in the free-to-play online strategy game, Star Trek: Alien Domain.

Introduced in the latest game update, System Battle is a scheduled event that players can take part in throughout the day, to compete against the opposing faction. Federation and Klingon fleets can queue to enter the new instanced map, and battle against each other to conquer planetoids and establish bases.

When the event time runs out, the faction that has captured the most space is declared the winner, with participating players receiving rewards. Top players also receive rewards based on their overall contribution to the effort.

You can find more information on the latest update and to jump into a game for yourself, just head on over to the game’s official website at

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